The Reconductoring Solution

Upgrade aging infrastructure to meet increasing electricity demand while building a resilient and efficient power grid for the future.

Why Reconductor with ACCC® Conductor?

Larger conventional conductors are often too heavy to use existing structures and can be costly to rebuild. However, ACCC® Conductors with the same diameter and weight as the old wire can be installed using existing structures. This makes swapping out the old wire for the new wire quick, easy, and cost-effective while maximizing performance.

Doubles line capacity

Doubles line capacity and mitigate congestion costs.

Reduces Line Losses

Reduces Line Losses by 25 to 40%

Tower Icon

No need to modify or replace structures

Reduce fuel consumption

Helps reduce fuel consumption, associated greenhouse gas emissions, and water consumed by thermal power plants.

Tower Icons

Proven to mitigate sag violations.


Use existing ROW, which reduces permitting

Conductor Comparison

Each reconductoring project has unique challenges, making it crucial to choose the right conductor. While ACSS is commonly used, it may require structural modifications to accommodate increased sag or fall short of delivering its maximum capacity. With a successful track record in over 1,250 projects worldwide, ACCC® Conductors offer numerous benefits over legacy conductors.

Enables increased line capacity Check green symbol Cross symbol Check green symbol 1
No need to modify or replace structures Check green symbol Cross symbol Check green symbol 2
Improves line efficiency Check green symbol Cross symbol Cross symbol
Follows IEEE 524 Installation Guidelines Check green symbol Check green symbol Check green symbol
Method to check installation integrity Check green symbol Cross symbol Cross symbol
Reduces thermal sag Check green symbol Cross symbol Cross symbol
Offers protection from N-1 conditions Check green symbol Cross symbol Check green symbol 3
Resists Corrosion and cyclic fatigue Check green symbol Cross symbol Cross symbol
Reduces fire risk Check green symbol Cross symbol Cross symbol
  • ACSS may exceed sag limits before potential capacity is achieved.
  • ACSS may require structure modification to meet sag requirements.
  • ACSS sag may not allow full capacity to be realized.

The Economics of Efficiency

Whether you are considering a rebuild or reconductoring using existing structures, ACCC® Conductors offer the most cost-effective solution.

Value of Line Loss Reductions

Peak Amps Temperature at peak amps (C°) Load Factor MVA Annual Line Losses (MWh) Line Loss Reduction Value of Reduction at $50/MWh Value of Reduction per lineal conductor
(meter) (foot)
ACSR 1,000 96 53% 398 76,989
ACCC® 1,000 83 53% 398 56,628 20,362 $1,018,085 $3.40 $1.04
ACSS 1,600 196 53% 637 252,407
ACCC® 1,600 158 53% 637 179,284 73,122 $3,656,119 $12.21 $3.72

Assumption: 100km (62 mile) 230 kV line, Drake Equivalent Conductors;53% Load Factor; 30℃ Ambient;2fps Wind; .5 Emissivity; 5 Absorbivity; $50/MWh; $1MM/MW;Coal Fired(2.19#/kWh);CO2@25/MT

Value of Generation Capacity Savings

Peak Amps Temperature at peak amps (C°) Load Factor MVA Annual Line Losses (MWh) Generation Capacity to Supply Losses (MW) Value of Reduction at $1 million/MW Value of Reduced Generation per lineal conductor
(meter) (foot)
ACSR 1,000 96 53% 398 76,989 8.79
ACCC® 1,000 83 53% 398 56,628 6.46 $2,330,000 $7.78 $2.37
ACSS 1,600 196 53% 637 252,407 28.81
ACCC® 1,600 158 53% 637 179,284 20.47 $8,340,000 $27.86 $8.49

Value of Emission Reductions

Peak Amps Load Factor MVA Line Loss Reduction (MWh) CO2 reductions(Metric Tons) SOx Reductions(Metric Tons) NOx Reductions (Metric Tons) Value of CO2 Reduction per lineal conductor
(meter) (foot)
ACSR 1,000 53% 398
ACCC® 1,000 53% 398 20,362 20,227 92 31 $1.69 $0.52
ACSS 1,600 53% 637
ACCC® 1,600 53% 637 73,122 72,638 332 113 $6.07 $1.85

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Why Utilities Rely on and Trust ACCC® Conductor

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