Case Studies
See our solutions in action
ACCC® Conductors have been chosen for 1,250 project by over 300 utilities in 65 countries to improve and enhance their electric power grids. These projects include new lines and reconductoring, with many different needs that include added capacity, efficiency, sag mitigation, and more. Applications range from long spans, river crossings, dessert regions, mountainous landscapes and more. Here are some of the projects with common and unique challenges that showcase why ACCC® Conductor is the best choice for any application.
HEAVY ICE APPLICATION — NV Energy: Reno to Carson City, line 107
Project Goal: Increase Ampacity (existing structures)
Conductor Size: Linnet
Conductor Length: 90 km
Voltage: 120 kV
Energized: 2009
Project Goal: Increase ampacity, reduce line sag, avoid corrosion
Conductor Size: Hawk
Conductor Length: 32 km
Voltage: 230 kV
Energized: 2009
LONG SPAN APPLICATION — Chilectra: El Salto to Torre 8 Line
Project Goal: Increase ampacity (existing structures)
Conductor Size: Linnet
Conductor Length: 28 km
Voltage: 110 kV
Energized: 2009
FIRE STORM SURVIVAL — NV Energy: Reno to Carson City, line 107
Project Goal: Increase Ampacity (existing structures)
Conductor Size: Linnet
Conductor Length: 90 km
Voltage: 120 kV
Energized: 2009
Firestorm 2012: ACCC® Conductor Undamaged
WIND FARM LINK — Neoenergia: 80 turbine upgrade
Project Goal: Increase Ampacity (existing structures)
Conductor Size: Amsterdam
Conductor Length: 57 km
Voltage: 66 kV
Energized: 2008
Project Goal: Trial Line
Conductor Size: Oslo
Conductor Length: 8.6 km
Voltage: 400 kV
Energized: 2009
EXTREME WIND SURVIVAL — NV Energy: Reno to Carson City, line 107
Project Goal: Increase Ampacity (existing structures)
Conductor Size: Linnet
Conductor Length: 90 km
Voltage: 120 kV
Energized: 2009
TORNADO TOUGHNESS — OG&E: West Moore to Penn Substation
Project Goal: Increase Ampacity (use existing structures)
Conductor Size: Drake
Conductor Length: 29.3 km
Voltage: 138 kV
Energized: 2008
Line struck after several years of service, line struck by EF-4 / EF-5 Tornado.
High strength core prevented line from falling, enabling rapid repair.
Demonstrated improved grid resiliency.