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White Papers

Advanced Conductor Use Accelerates Electric Grid Decarbonization and Modernization

July 2022

In an analysis entitled NET-ZERO AMERICA Princeton University concluded that $1.1 trillion needs to be invested in the U.S. transmission grid through 2040 to reduce carbon emissions to zero by 2050. Recognizing the urgency, the recently enacted Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act invests about $16.5 billion in electric grid resiliency and flexibility upgrades and new transmission lines. As the Department of Energy begins to make these substantial investments, it is critical that the Department seize the opportunity to prioritize the installation of modern, high performance Advanced Conductors rather than inefficient legacy lines. To do otherwise would be shameful and would miss a significant opportunity to lower electric consumer’s bills and rapidly deploy clean energy generation.

Conductor Performance

October 2013

Replacing conventional conductors such as aluminum conductor steel reinforced (ACSR) with one of the high temperature conductors such as aluminum conductor composite core (ACCC) or aluminum conductor steel supported (ACSS) of the same diameter can be a cost effective way to increase the transfer capacity of transmission lines. Maintaining the same conductor diameter makes it likely that existing structures can be used and with proper conductor selection and application ground clearances can normally be maintained.

Industry Reports

Prospects for Innovative Power Grid Technologies

June 2024

Supported by CurrENT Europe and Breakthrough Energy this Compass Lexicon Report examines eight different innovative grid technologies including ACCC® Advanced Conductors, analyses the potential of innovative grid technologies through cases studies, and assesses the role they can play in helping Europe reach its decarbonization goals.

2035 and Beyond: Reconductoring with advanced conductors can accelerate the rapid transmission expansion required for a clean grid

April 2024

Despite ample renewable energy potential, grid expansion has been sluggish, resulting in over 2 TW of untapped generation and storage assets in interconnection queues. To address this challenge, the Energy Innovation Policy & Technology LLC and Grid Lab released a report advocating for reconductoring with advanced conductors as a near-term solution to bolster transmission capacity. The reports provide insights into the costs, capacity enhancements, and transmission requirements associated with reconductoring, highlighting its potential to support the realization of clean energy objectives by 2035.

Supporting Advanced Conductor Deployment: Barriers And Policy Solutions

April 2024

Recent policy measures from FERC have identified planning and interconnection policy reforms that will help grow transmission capacity over the long term. When advanced conductors are used, reconductoring in existing rights-of-way (ROW) can substantially increase transmission capacity in the current grid, allowing clean energy to be more fully tapped during the years-longer period it takes to develop the new lines for long-term system needs.

Recommendations for the deployment of DSO projects

February 2024

CurrENT, the voice of innovative grid technologies in Europe, released its first edition of ‘Recommendations for DSO project deployments’ – a first-of-its-kind handbook for the deployment of innovative grid technologies at the DSO level. In this first edition, CurrENT covers some key technologies that can make a difference at the DSO level, including Digital Twin technologies, Advanced Conductors, Dynamic Line Rating, Monitoring Sensors, and Modular Power Flow Control.

Fostering Collaboration Would Help Build Needed Transmission

February 2024

Sponsored by WIRES, this is the first comprehensive review of how collaborative planning leads to transmission planning success, and provides policymakers with new insights to drive federal and state transmission policy, as well as a crucial roadmap to removing barriers to collaborative transmission. It also provides insight into the benefits of using Advanced Conductors and other Grid Enhancing Technologies

Future of Utilities Study

January 2024

Drawing on market trends and insights from industry leaders, the Future of Utilities study provides a guide for business leaders and policymakers to explore the rapidly evolving energy landscape and understand what utility companies need to do to adapt and thrive as they move toward a sustainable future.

Accelerating Transmission Expansion by Using Advanced Conductors in Existing Right-of-Way

February 2024

As countries pursue decarbonization goals, the rapid expansion of transmission capacity for renewable energy (RE) integration poses a significant challenge due to hurdles such as permitting and cost allocation. This paper finds that large-scale reconductoring with advanced composite-core conductors can cost-effectively double transmission capacity within existing right-of-way (ROW), with limited additional permitting.

Transmission Congestion Costs Rise Again in the U.S. RTOs

July 2023

Published by Grid Strategies, this updated report explains why transmission congestions costs continue to rise at alarming rates and how the use of Advanced Conductors and other Grid Enhancing Technologies can be leveraged to combat this issue while U.S. Policy changes are sought.

Advanced Conductors on Existing Transmission Corridors To Accelerate Low Cost Decarbonization

July 2022

The U.S. transmission network needs to meet 21st century challenges with 21st century solutions. Decarbonization and clean energy procurement targets set by states, utilities, and corporations for the not-so-distant future will require high levels of new renewable energy capacity to be quickly and efficiently integrated onto the power grid. The large influx of generation will require an increase in overall system transmission capacity to manage its integration and to alleviate congestion and reliability issues that might arise. While new, large-scale transmission infrastructure will be key to enabling the clean energy transition, regulatory and planning obstacles often delay their construction for years or make the lines entirely impossible to build.

Policy Brief: The Challenges of Decarbonizing the U.S. Electric Grid by 2035

January 2022

Published by the Harvard Kennedy School Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, this policy brief provides tremendous insight into the challenges and opportunities that must be faced in order to meet decarbonization goals in the United States – especially as it relates to modernizing the country’s electric power grid.

These reports are publicly accessible and unless otherwise indicated were not authored by CTC Global. All the credit for the content, research, and findings in these reports goes to the original author. CTC Global is providing these reports for informational purposes only and do not claim ownership or authorship over them.


ACCC® Maintenance and Repair Manual

The purpose of the ACCC® Conductor Maintenance and Repair Manual is to provide experienced personnel with guidelines, recommendations, and the requirements necessary to successfully Maintain and Repair ACCC® composite-core bare overhead line conductor and associated accessories.

ACCC® Conductor Installation Guidelines

The purpose of the ACCC® Conductor Installation Guidelines is to provide experienced personnel with guidelines, recommendations, and requirements necessary to successfully install the bare overhead composite-core ACCC® Conductor and Accessories.

Engineering Transmission Lines with High Capacity Low Sag ACCC® Conductors

The purpose of this document is to offer engineering and design guidelines specific to the use of ACCC conductors on electrical transmission lines so their electrical, mechanical, and cost attributes and benefits can be fully realized.