19th Annual Congressional Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency EXPO and Policy Forum

On July 12th the 19th Annual Congressional Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency EXPO Policy Forum brought together a number of businesses, trade associations and government agencies to discuss renewable energy and the importance of efficiency – not only with demand side appliances and generation – but with the power grid itself. The event was sponsored by the Sustainable Energy Coalition which acts as a facilitator to focus the message of advocacy, technical, and industry organizations to move forward in a coordinated fashion to accelerate the development and implementation of sustainable, renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies.

Senators Ed Markey, Jack Reed and Martin Heinrich spoke about challenges and opportunities, while Representatives Tony Cardenas, Matthew Cartwright, Cathy McMorris Rogers offered further insight. Panel sessions followed.

Grid, Storage and Transmission panelists included James Hoecker, WIRES Council and former Chairman of FERC; Keith Dennis, NRECA; Bret Adams, Primus Power; and Bill White, CTC Global. Bill White brought to light the substantial advantages offered by the ACCC conductor in terms of opening the grid to clean renewable energy while maximizing its impact through reduced lines.

Bill White and CTC Global’s Vice President of Business Development of the Americas, Jim Clyde, went on to meet with several of the attendees to share additional information.

A video of the Grid, Storage and Transmission panel discussion offers further detail.

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