More ACCC® Conductor Installations in Qatar

General Electricity and Water Corporation of Qatar (Kahramaa) was established in 2000 to regulate and maintain the supply of water and electricity in a country with over 4,000 km of aging overhead powerlines.

A tremendous surge in the demand for reliable energy has emerged in recent years.Due to this increased demand, construction of a $2.75 Billion, 2,520 Megawatt Power Plant “Umm al Houl” has recently begun. Additionally, Kahramaa has teamed up with Qatar Petroleum, who have agreed to help fund the development of numerous large solar power plants in Qatar over the next few years. These projects constitute a large portion of “Qatar National Vision 2030,” a program designed to heavily promote the country’s economic and social development.

Earlier this month, TEEMS India – led by ACCC Master Installer R. Vasanthakumar – began work on Kahramaa’ssecond ACCC reconductor project, located in North-Eastern Doha, Qatar. The project consists of upgrading the existing 132 kV ACSR line with state-of-the-art ACCC conductor, manufactured by Midal Cables of Bahrain. Hardware for the project was provided by Mosdorfer.

With over 50,000 km of ACCC installed to date, ACCC continues to be the chosen transmission solution globally because of its unwavering performance especially in places with extremely high ambient temperatures and highly corrosive environments such as those found in Qatar a country nearly surrounded by Persian Gulf salt water.

CTC Global’s relationship with Kahramaa began in 2010 when the ACCC conductor passed rigorous testing and evaluation, leading to “Type Certification.” In 2011 – 2012, Kahramaa used ACCC conductor to upgrade existing 132 kV circuits to increase capacity from 125 MVA to 260 MVA with outstanding success. CTC Global looks forward to a continued effort in strengthening Qatar’s electrical grid, and helping Kahramaa reaching the goals outlined within the “Qatar National Vision 2030” program.

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