ACCC® Conductor is Ideally Suited for Greenfield Projects

Designed initially to decrease thermal sag and increase line capacity, which offers obvious benefits on reconductoring projects, the ACCC® Conductor is now being used for greenfield projects, worldwide.

The benefits of ACCC Conductor have been put to use on several ‘New Line’ projects. The ACCC® Conductor’s greater strength and reduced thermal sag have enabled further spans between fewer and/or shorter structures (in some cases with smaller foundations), to reduce overall project costs and construction timeframes. The ACCC® Conductor’s higher capacity also allows the use of smaller conductor sizes which can further reduce upfront capital costs.

The redundant or excess capacity of the ACCC Conductor has been chosen on New Line projects to allow for expected, and unexpected growth providing optionality to grid planners and managers as the new generation – including renewables – comes online over time. The reduced electrical line losses and resistance to corrosion are also important considerations.

A good example of a New ACCC Installation was the Pengerang Project in Johor, Malaysia. In this case, Trenergy selected the ACCC® Conductor as a 275 kV tie line for the new Petronas Generation plant in Kota Tinggi. The terrain was very marshy and included several saltwater crossings. The ACCC Conductor’s superior performance helped reduce upfront capital and maintenance costs and offered added capacity for future plant expansion.

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