Bihar State Power Transmission Company Ltd (BSPTCL) successfully completed three more reconductor projects using ACCC® Casablanca to replace ACSR Panther size conductor, expanding the total amount of ACCC installed on their system to over 1,000 kilometers. Recently completed projects include reconductoring of the 132 kV Dehri LILO line, the Dehri to Banjari line, and the Dehri to Sonenagar line.
219 kilometers of ACCC® Conductor was provided for these projects by Sterlite Power Ltd., who also provided engineering and installation services. The existing lattice structures were used without modification. The average span lengths were ~325 meters with one major highway crossing, two railway crossings and four crossings over the Son River. TAG provided ACCC Hardware. The ACCC Conductor upgrade raised line capacity from ~400 amps to ~1,050 amps on each circuit with a considerable reduction in sag.