EDP Completes 7th ACCC® Conductor Installation in Portugal

Earlier this month Energias de Portugal (EDP) installed Helsinki size ACCC® Conductor on their Monte Feio to APS 60 kV transmission line very close to the ocean adjacent to the City of Sines, in southwest Portugal. ACCC® Conductor was selected to increase line capacity and reduce thermal sag. The conductor’s higher strength, greater efficiency and resistance to salt air corrosion were also considered favorable advantages for this application.

The project was supported by contractor Tecnerga and Reder. CTC Global’s Master Installers Ismael Dones and Edirlei Zacharias offered remote training. Fux provided the ACCC Conductor and Arruti Spain provided ancillary ACCC Hardware. This project marks EDP’s 7th successful ACCC Conductor installation.

Sines is one of the largest maritime-industrial complexes in Portugal, whose tenants include Sines Power Plant (Electricidade de Portugal), Petrogal Sines (National Petrochemic Refinery), and Repsol (Polymer Refinery). Although rapidly industrializing, the town still preserves many of the historical landmarks and caters to tourism.

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