ENEL Completes 138 kV ACCC® Conductor Upgrade

With the support of Expoente Engineeering and Hot Line Construction, ENEL Distribuicao Goias completed an ACCC® Conductor upgrade on their 7.4 km LDAT Carajas – Goya 138 kV transmission line in Goiania, Brazil.

ENEL selected 430 kcmil (218.1 mm2) Linnet size ACCC® Conductor to replace 397.5 kcmil (233.9 mm2) Ibis size ACSR conductor on existing concrete poles with 195 meter ruling spans (230 meter max). This project increased line capacity from 450 amps to 786 amps (~1,000 amps emergency). The project included highway crossings.

ACCC Conductor for the project was supplied by Centelsa and ACCC Hardware was supplied by Forjasul. Project support and training was provided by ACCC Master Installer Edirlei Zacharias. Goiânia is the capital and largest city of the Brazilian state of Goiás. The city is an important economic hub of the region and is considered a strategic center for industry, medicine, fashion and agriculture.

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