Over the last few years, Power Grid Company of Bangladesh Ltd (PGCB) has completed several transmission line upgrades using high-performance, energy-efficient ACCC® Conductor. Last month, PGCB completed their first greenfield ACCC® Conductor project in Barisal, Bangladesh.
The new 45.6 kilometer 230 kV double circuit Patuakhali – Payra transmission line used over 575 kilometers of Hamburg size ACCC Conductor manufactured by Sterlite Power using CTC Global’s patented (8.76 mm) ACCC Core. The project included 134 new lattice structures with spans ranging from 87 to 527 meters, traversing varied terrain including wetlands.
China National Cable Engineering Corporation served as PGCB’s EPC firm who were further supported by subcontractors Hanbaek and Islamic Engineering Mullah Traders.
Ningbo Dongfang Machinery provided installation equipment and PLP China provided ACCC Conductor hardware. Training and field support was provided by CTC Global’s Regional Service Manager, Samudi Sampangi and ACCC Master Installers Mr. N. J. Balaji and Mr. Mukesh Kumar Jha.
*This story first appeared in CTC’s Global’s September Newsletter but was inadvertently published as a ‘reconductor’ project. A second error suggested that Dervaux provided hardware. This was incorrect. Hardware was provided by PLP China (corrected on July 9, 2020). We apologize for our errors.