CTC Global Releases New Video Showcasing CCP™ Software

CTC Global is showcasing our Conductor Comparison Program (CCP™) in a new video. For years, the online CCP program has helped system planners and engineers compare the ampacity, line losses, thermal and ice load sag, and economic and environmental aspects of nearly any conductor type and size. The CCP program, developed in the early 2000’s, has a database of more than 1,200 conductor types and sizes and is regularly updated.

CCP is super easy to use, independently certified, and follows IEEE 738 guidelines and formulas. Sag, tension, and ampacity outputs are readily comparable to Sag10®, PLS CADD™ and other similar programs but the amazing CCP program delivers much more. Not only will it enable you to compare several conductors simultaneously from its extensive conductor library, CCP also provides line loss and emission reduction outputs that can be shared with team members focused on sustainability and financial goals. It’s truly a magnificent program that has helped hundreds of transmission engineers select the best conductor for their projects.

To learn more about CCP and it’s features, please check out our new video.

To start using CCP, check out our CCP™ webpage.

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