South Texas Electric Cooperative Completes Another ACCC® Conductor Installation

With support from Axis Power, the South Texas Electric Cooperative (STEC) successfully completed another ACCC® Reconductoring project using Drake size ACCC® Conductor to increase the capacity of their 138 kV transmission line. The Moore to Hondo Creek reconductoring project used approximately 244,000 feet (~75 kilometers) of ACCC® Conductor with an average span of 700 feet.

The reconductoring project used existing wood H-Frame and monopole structures without modification with the exception of guy wire upgrades.

ACCC® Conductor for the project was provided by Prysmian and ACCC® Hardware was provided by Burndy and DMC. Crews used a Wagner Smith tensioner 72” and Wagner Smith reel stands with hydraulic brakes. James Atwood, CTC Global’s Master Installer was onsite to support the crew.

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